Moon rising over Titusville |
We are enjoying the calms days and moderate weather. As part
of the monthly package of $10/ft, the marina also offers free pumpouts. They
come to your slip in a pumpout boat, no need to untie and find the fuel dock.
Now such things may seem mundane to many people but not to cruisers. Add that
to the $1/load washers and $0.50/load dryers and you get the picture of a
marina that wants your business. Nice to be wanted.
On the north side, a nice area |
The docks here have 14 inch diameter pilings, the most
massive I've seen at any marina. They are anchored by 20 inch square concrete
columns at the end of each pier. You can feel very secure with such a setup.
This year they put in gates at the end of B dock (other docks to be added
later) with a card pass required to access the docks. It's a welcomed addition
for security. In general we've found that municipal marinas are not as
responsive to customer needs as privately owned marinas but Titusville (and
also Key West) is the exception.
One thing you need to know on a boat while at an extended
stay at a marina is the level of fullness of your holding tanks. This is a
complicated matter. We finally settled on a
SeeLevel II monitor which includes
a printed circuit board strip that adheres to the holding tank. The problem is
that it can be fooled by deposits (!) on the inside of the tank opposite the
sensor strip. So there's nothing to do other than scraping the inside of the
tank at that location, ugh!! On this blog I promised to mention all the duties
of the captain on a cruise down the ICW, well that's one of them!
After that bit of unpleasantness, the rest of the day for
cool and enjoyable. More boat projects are due tomorrow but on the weekend we'll rent another car at
$10/day and explore Orlando.
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