Wecome to Boot Harbor City Marina |
It’s still cool here with temps in the 60’s but it’s supposed to warm up into the 80’s by next week. We had intended to use our last day to “Swim with the Dolphins” but when we found out the price at $180 apiece, it was no long so attractive. Oh well, we were going to go to the Turtle Hospital but we didn’t realize it required an advanced reservation and we were too late to get one today. With that, Matthew swam off the end of the boat after doing his homework (his two sisters had the day off due to a teaches’ conference – but not Matthew!)
Our last sunset at Marathon - for now |
Marathon does have some key services required by boaters. Across the street from the marina is the Chevron gas station where you can get your propane tanks refilled (before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm). There’s a Home Depot, a Publix and a West Marine store – all very useful to boaters. There’s a 9:00 party line call on VHF channel 68 where boaters trade spare supplies and announce events for the day such a Yoga classes and art classes. I can see why some boaters call Marathon home for the winter, but not us – we’re headed to Key West!
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