Saturday, January 28, 2023

Key Largo - We explore more


Maybe I’ll get a bike?!

Today we went south to Robbie’s of Islamorada, a real tourist trap if ever there was one in the Keys. It was a nice ride in good weather so what the heck. Their big attraction other than all the beach stuff they had for sale were the live tarpons. However, it turned out that they wanted to charge $2.50 just to walk about 50 ft out onto the pier to see them. You can see tarpons in Key West Bight Marina for free, I wasn’t about top pay $5 for the privilege for both of us. 

A view of Fleetwing from across the canal, ready to go Monday

So we walked around and looked in the shops. Ann discovered photo prints made with silver halide paper. They are more vivid than prints on metal, much more. We’re definitely going to look into do that with some of our photos! The colors really stand out.

After a drive back to Fleetwing, we just enjoyed the rest of the day in the cockpit, very restful. We are biding time until Monday morning when we move again on the way to Key West.