Thursday, January 26, 2023

Key Largo - at a dock at Marina Del Mar


Contrary to expectations, we do occasionally move on early in the morning - when needed

We had 50 miles to go so it was time to get an early start but it was still after the sun rose. There was no wind and no wave action. We took the inside route south and passed over into the ocean through Angelfish Creek. 

Marina Del Mar is a wonderful resort - that also has a marina. If you’re in the marina, you have the full run of the resort such as the swimming pool and free breakfasts

It has a reputation of being shallow but we saw 5.6 MLLW on the ocean side which was shallower than on the bay side. With our 4’ 9” keel, we could have gone at low tide. Likewise for the entrance to Key Largo. We saw 5.3 MLLW at the entrance even though the chats show 3 ft. We’ve been in and out of Key Largo now five times and never saw less than 5.3 MLLW at the entrance. Once inside, it’s 15 to 20 ft deep. 

We will pick up a car rental on Friday, get groceries, explore the area, and go out for dinner that night. The next three days are non travel days for us with high winds of 18 to 25 kts. We will stay put until Monday when the winds abate.Then it’s Marathon and Key West next. At least it’s warm now!


Changes in L'Attitudes said...

Marina Del Ray or Marina Del Mar? did they change names?