One long face dock or separate docks off to the left. We like the face docks |
With a north wind, the face dock at Elizabeth City was calm for the night, no problem. Rudy and Alison got their car from Enterprise in the morning and returned to the dock to load up for the trip home. Enterprise is not the best choice for a one-way rental car since they charge a substantial drop off fee but there were no Hertz rentals nearby. So now we're by ourselves for awhile but we'll be visiting with Don and Liz Bunch and also Bill and Pat Zeising during the latter part of the week. Both couples were long time members of the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club and close friends.
There really is a Miss Wanda! After four years of visits, we finally meet the owner |
Tonight we're at the Alligator River Marina, the favorite marina of Mike Quick (as expressed in his blog in the spring). The event of note was that we finally met Miss Wanda! She's the owner of the marina and we've always received a Christmas card from her every year but never met her. She dropped by to say hello this afternoon and it turns out that she's headed to Key West too in February so we told her to drop by when she's in town.
The Coast Guard comes in for dinner |
As Mike Quick has reported, there's not a whole lot to this marina, it's mostly a gas station with a small, fast food restaurant inside - with a few docks. What they do have it location. It's conveniently half-way between Elizabeth City and the Pungo Creek anchorage with the plus that it doesn't have the fuzzybill problem. If you anchor near the
Albemarle River (it's on the way) then you run the risk of being visited by fuzzybills! They are small insects that look like mosquitoes but aren't really (they don't bite). They have a nasty habit of dying overnight and leaving a green goo residue all over your boat, ugh!! After one experience with that (a 5 hour cleanup), we decided that the Alligator River Marina was a better bet. We haven't seen fuzzybills in here.
To top it off, we had a nice sunset |
On Tuesday we're headed to the Pungo River anchorage for the night before traveling on to Washington, NC to Don and Liz Bunch's dock.
The answer to yesterday's quiz was "B" although "C" works most of the time - but not always, especially where the ICW splits into two channels. Always go by the yellow inserts, a triangle for a red and a square for a green ICW marker.
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