Unfortunately, a very cloudy and rainy day - but tomorrow is predicted to be better! |
After umpteen hours getting the boat ready with three coats of wax, new bottom paint, new propeller zinc, sanding the teak and applying Semco, a new rear engine oil seal, a new engine dampener, a repaired head sail and a hundred other odds and ends, we are finally ready to resume our ICW adventures.
All set to go!! |
We had planned on leaving PYC on 9/15, a Monday, but the weather in the Atlantic would not cooperate. There were multiple storms brewing and we watched them intently, almost hourly over the past few days using our weather apps, about a half dozen or so. So as of this evening, it appears that we still have a weather window for a Tuesday trip down the New Jersey coast to Atlantic City. However, after that the swells from Edouard will reach the New Jersey coast with 6 ft swells or higher so we'll probably sit at Atlantic City for a couple of days to let the Atlantic settle down before proceeding further south.
Goodbye to PYC - see you in May 2015! |
We made reservations at Atlantic City and the dockmaster said, "Oh yes, I remember you - Fleetwing, right?" After a few trips you start to know all the dockmasters and vice versa. Our trip south this year will include visits to past PYC members in North Carolina and Florida as well as visits from our kids in Key West. The ICW has become very familiar, like family - and that's nice. We feel more at home on our boat than in our house in Lagrangeville. We're headed for an anchorage at Haverstraw on Sunday night.
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