The Freedom tower is progressing |
The Atlantic Highlands anchorage was calm except on top of the hour when the ferry returned, then it rolled for awhile before settling back down. After the last ferry at 11:00 pm, the rest of the night was like a lake. The left around 7:30 to catch the current going north - but the northward current never materialized. We had an adverse current all the way to Haverstraw even though the current charts showed a favorable current. Has there been a lot of rain recently?
My icon is black, ship's is red - the lines cross! |
Entering the lower New York harbor,
AIS showed again its merit. I noticed the chartplotter display of a ship headed on a collision course for us in 10 minutes. The ship was only 10 minutes away but was not visible since it was behind Sandy Point, ahead and to the right of us. The radar didn't show a target either due to the intervening boats and buildings. However, the Garmin chartplotter with AIS capability to relay signals picked up by
my installed AIS receiver did show the danger situation correctly. The fact that we were on a collision course is shown by a line extending from the ship's icon on the chartplotter to where it will be in 10 minutes. If that meets a similar line from the icon representing Fleetwing, then there is a problem. After a minute or so, the ship came into view and I changed course to pass behind the ship.
Here's the ship when it came into view, I changed course and passed behind him |
In upper New York harbor there were dozens of ships, each with its AIS icon. I could tell which ones were anchored and which ones were moving and needed to be avoided. I also transmit an AIS signal so they can see me too.
Last sunset of the cruise! |
Presently we reached Haverstraw Bay and the Croton Point anchorage. It was forecast to be light to no winds tonight so it is a perfect spot. We'll leave around 9:00 to catch the flood tide, at least that's the prediction and hopefully it's better than yesterday's on the tide.
Welcome home!!!!
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