Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Titusville - at a dock

Nice sunrise - we usually don’t see the sunrise with our usual late starts

 We left at “Oh dark 30” since we wanted to be sure of arriving at the NASA Causeway bridge before it closed at 3:30 to 6:00 pm. So we left at 6:30 before the sun came up but with enough light to see our way. We had a foul tide the first half of the trip until we passed Sebastian Inlet where the tide reverse and was in our favor.We went from arriving at 3:00 pm to getting to the bridge by 2:00 pm. 

The famous Wabasso Bridge. It’s supposed to be 65 feet
but it never is, always less

The bridge is supposed to be on demand but the bridge tender “likes” to bunch up boats. I guess he thinks he’s saving energy (his tone of voice was as if it was an imposition on him to open the bridge). There was very little traffic at 2:00 pm in the afternoon. So we waited, doing circles until the last boat caught up. None of the three boats thanked the tender for the opening as is usually done on the ICW. 

Having survived the bridge, we arrived at Titusville and got our old slip back on A dock, very nice. The place here is full, it’s a popular marina for both transients and live aboard. Next year, we plan on living here from November 1st to April 15th instead of wintering over in Key West. We’ll explore Florida next year. 


Changes in L'Attitudes said...

NASA Causeway Bridge ?? ... Haulover is further north before Mosquito Lagoon?

Bob423 said...

Thanks, Causeway it is!

Anonymous said...

Addison Pt./NASA Causeway. Was nice to us in late March. Opened at 1515. Of course would not open at 1532 for another boat. Different tender? Who knows?
Mike - Improbability