That's Jupiter Island across the way, Tiger Woods lives there, many millions of dollars of realestate |
We made all the bridges yesterday but we knew in advance that such an achievement for today's part of the ICW was not likely. The bridges just are not spaced right. Gumming up the works is the Flagler Memorial Bridge which is under construction, a new bridge is being build to replace the old span. As a result they received special dispensation from the Coast Guard to only open once an hour at 15 minutes past the top of the hour. As a result, we lost 45 minutes just at that bridge.
Hoolie's beach is off to the left, it's a nature sanctuary |
However, I'm getting ahead of myself. We got off the hook at 7:45 and found that the VHF didn't work. Without the VHF you can't call bridges for openings, no good at all. So I got out the handheld and found that didn't work either! Now things are getting serious. We found that the handheld would transmit but couldn't receive. The primary VHS would receive but couldn't transmit. So with that combination, we started north. For some unknown reason, the primary VHF started working after about an hour, don't know why but at least we made it through the bridges okay.
Onward we pushed and stopped for diesel, we needed both fuel and water. After getting replenished, I pushed off the aft section of the boat while a dockhand pulled in the bow so we could back out of the face dock. Well, Fleetwing backed out a little faster than I had figured and I found myself holding on to the lifelines with my feet in the water! The dockhand yelled, "Man overboard" and everyone came running. Ann put the boat in forward and the dock crew was there to haul me out of the water. After that excitement the rest of the day was kind of dull...
Our nightly sunset |
We are now tucked in at the Hobe Sound anchorage with Hoolie relief only 500 ft away and with the added benefit it's a sandy beach, no mud. We're headed for Vero Beach on Thursday, we've had enough excitement for one day.
I may be showing my age, but I recall a time when we opened bridges with horn signals instead of the VHF... I dont tell that to alot of people!
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