Friday, May 5, 2023

Brunswick - at a motel

Air Fleetwing! Flying along….

 Fleetwing was hauled today at 10:00. The crew here is second to none, professional and competent. One backstay had to be released (my fault, I thought it would clear) which the yard crew did and it was off to be pressure washed.

Bob and Shiela Keller

We had loaded our luggage to the main cabin and we were not looking forward to lifting it out to the cockpit and down a ladder given my shoulder problem (the one armed sailor). Bob and Shiela Keller came to the rescue! They arrived just in time and took over the loading of our car. They had offered to help yesterday and we gratefully accepted - I wasn’t of much use. Many thanks to Bob and Shiela.

The straps are tied to bolts set in a continuous anchor of concrete

Meanwhile, Fleetwing was strapped down, real hurricane straps. With the extra boat stands and straps, I feel very secure about Fleetwing over the summer until we return the first week of October.

A closeup of the concrete anchor

We are off Saturday for a two day trip to New York. This marks the end of my blog for the spring. I wish it was longer but things happen that can’t be ignored. See you in the fall.


Anonymous said...

Get well, be well and safe travels - Lady Love

Ted A said...

Bob Keller was very involved in fixing some of the draconian Georgia Anchoring laws and a founding member of Save Georgia's Anchorages. Proud to call him a friend.

Bob - hope you heal up quickly.

Ted Arisaka
s/v Little Wing

bob said...

Thanks for the kind words Ted. See you on the waterways...

William said...

Thanks for letting us follow along. Hope you're on the mend quickly!