Monday, February 28, 2022

Key West - We take an artist walk down Duval Street


This sculpture has been in Wyland’s gallery for the last 10 years

Ann paints during the day in pastels while I’m usually down below writing. With Covid winding down in Key West, we took the free Duval Loop bus down to lower Duval Street and toured the art galleries, one of Ann’s favorite things to do in Key West. 

Thomas Arvid and Ann talking shop

Our first stop was at the Wyland Galleries. Wyland does paintings and sculptures but also has other artists in his studio. It’s always interesting to browse the exhibits and chat with the host there. Moving on down the street, we found that at 11:00 on a Monday morning, Duval Street was not crowded at all. We may do more of this during our stay here. Things almost appeared normal. Nobody was wearing masts except on the Duval Loop bus where it’s mandatory. 

Ann greatly enjoy her conversation with Arvid

There’s one artist we see all the time, Thomas Arvid. He had found a niche, the painting of wine glasses. They are painted photo-realistic. He has a real talent for representing glass. When Ann asked him if he ever got tired of painting wine glasses, he said he had a backlog of paintings already paid for. Ann and Thomas talked “artist shop” for 15 minutes while I milled around and at the end took a photo of them together. 

It was a nice day so we just walked back instead of taking the bus back. Ann sure enjoyed the art galleries and talking to Thomas Arvid.