Monday, July 23, 2007

Billings Marine on Deer Island

It was a beautiful morning at Seal Bay and once again we saw seals on the way out. The kids played around the boat, it's like a giant junglegym to them. Sarha practiced her "look", I think Philip will have some fun when she starts dating. We sailed most of the way to our next anchorage at Merchant Harbor but when we arrived we found the wind had not shifted to the SE but was from the east instead which made the anchorage untenable since it was completely open from that direction. We dropped the anchor for lunch and pondered what to do next (Maine term....)

We looked at the anchorage at Round Island but we found the best spots already occupied. We decided to anchor outside the prime area but when I went forward to drop the anchor there was no response out of the windlass! After a few trips to the cabin the reset the circuit breaker I was still unable to get the windlass to work. With that we headed for Billings Diesel for a mooring. I also noticed that I was not charging the batteries and there was no tach readout or temperature gauge reading, not a good sign.

Arriving at Billings Diesel we picked up a mooring and upon looking in more detail I found one of the battery switches slightly off-center from being fully on. Recentering that switch, everything returned to normal. The kids had been playing in their cabin where the battery switches were located and had partially rotated one of the switches causing the problem. It was probably all for the good since the fog really set in after that and it started to rain. It's supposed to turn warmer the latter part of the week with temperatures in the 80's (I'll believe it when I see it). We're cozy tonight and had a great dinner of spaghetti and meatballs.