Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Bethune Park Anchorage in Daytona - at anchor


A good sized sailboat that came ashore at Bethune Park anchorage

Another beautiful motoring day with full sun, warm winds, and flat water. No surprises on the Bob423 track, everything was tame. We dropped anchor at Bethune Park, one of our favorite anchorages since it’s uncrowded and has shore access with a free dinghy dock. 

Boat number two sank at the dock, making it unusable

However, there were several boats that came ashore during hurricane Ian. One is snugged up against one of the two dinghy docks making it non-operational with a Keep Out sign prominently displayed. Another large two spreader sailboat is up against shore. I can understand how some towns are tired of having to remove these boats which the owners abandon. 

The north dock was chained off, the south dock was still okay

Meanwhile, it’s a quiet night and we’re set for our last day on Thursday when we’re due into Titusville for the next so months.Our Genset is currently not working so we’re depending upon cooling winds tonight for a comfortable rest.