Sunday, October 18, 2015

Charleston Maritime Center - at a dock

Snug tonight at Charleston Maritime Center
This morning I  was cold, with the north wind. I just now started To Kill a Mockingbird, It is a good book so far. I also took a little nap too, me and Hoolie snuggled up with the fuzzy blanket. Then aways down we stop to wait for a bridge to open because it opened by the hour. Then we made a long turn that was into Charleston, there is a bridge that looks really cool. After we were tied in we ate lunch, then we had to do some laundry. On a boat we definitely don't have room for a washer and dryer, so the marinas usual do have them. I made my pile, then we went for a walk. It is a very beautiful town, we saw palm trees, flowers, and well the ocean. Then we picked up the laundry and headed back to the boat. I folded up my pile and put it away nicely, I also watched TV. I saw on our walk was metal star fishes that were up beside the garden, we saw a museum we didn't go in. We  go might tomorrow, It looked like they had trees growing inside of the building. We are having spicy chili for dinner bye. Sarah

The passage through the Isle of Palms shallows was not without excitement. We saw depths down to 3.0 MLW and so would not have made it at low tide. However, we purposely made the trip at exactly high tide for the part just above the Ben Sawyer bridge and therefore had no problem. This stretch of the ICW is due to be dredged this fall but they have not started the dredging yet. It's as bad now as it was in the spring of 2015. By breaking the trip into two segments: one from Georgetown to Awendaw and the second from Awendaw to Charleston, the shallows become a non-issue, just take them all at high tide. 

The morning picture on a cold day, Hoolie likes heat
The marina here is virtually empty with only five boats in slips. I guess the cold weather (high of 61 today) is driving people away. The warming trend starts on Monday and reaches 70 by Tuesday, much better. We'll be here for three days we think and leave on Wednesday. We're not sure when we'll reach Savannah, depends on the weather and tides but probably in two to three days.