Saturday, September 26, 2015

Annapolis - Small Craft advisories

This weekend as also the Wooden Boat Show with artisans showing their skills 
The moorings are anything but calm during an east wind at Annapolis. Even the ride into the dinghy dock is an event in getting wet. On the plus side, at least we're secure and without a current, we're always facing into the wind. With the high east winds come high water and minor flooding of the docks in Annapolis.

Hoolie has suffered over the last couple of days from dietary indiscretion. Luckily it hasn't resulted in rapid transit, only a couple of upchucks but one was on our bed cover. A trip to the laundromat fixed that but Hoolie was still under the weather until this afternoon when he gradually improved. He had us worried for awhile.

A rare view of main street with a gap in traffic
Today was exploring Annapolis for the crew. There was no sailing in these conditions. Even the harbor was not immune, a bouncy day at the mooring. The crew, except for Sarah leaves Sunday for home and we'll probably stay another day at the mooring unless the weather relents. Monday is still predicted to be better with a light north wind, we hope. If so, we'll head for Solomons and anchor.