Typical house in Isle of Hope |
Today I was going to change the engine oil but I found that the leak that had been repaired twice had come back. It’s not much of a leak but it shouldn’t be there at all. Since I’m in Savannah where the Hinckley service yard is located that did the first repair, I called them today and asked that their mechanic come over and look at the leak. The question is where is it coming from? Oil can run along paths that sometimes cannot be easily seen and appear to drip at a location that may have nothing to do with the leak source. The mechanic will be over Monday.
Meanwhile, the Panda genset stopped producing 120v even though the motor ran fine. Talking to Panda technical support, they said to check the electrolytic capacitors (they are big – about 8 inches tall, four of them), a failed capacitor could cause the problem. I patted myself on the back since I had ordered a spare parts kit for my genset before leaving NY which included spare capacitors. Upon taking the capacitor cover off on the genset I discovered that the capacitors I had were not correct! I had been sent the wrong capacitors from Panda! Calling Panda, they promised to send me new ones by Monday (hopefully)!
Path by the marina - not too long due to the live oak pollen |
After that excitement, we reserved the free courtesy car and went Easter shopping for the kids. Great having courtesy cars! We returned to the boat and retired to the main cabin since we’ve given up on the cockpit due to the gnat invasion. They come out in the hundreds in the late afternoon and early morning – and they bite! We didn’t seen any on our trip down but they are really out now. We do have no-see’ums screening but not when we enter and exit the boat. Saturday we plan on exploring Savannah.
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