Dick and Barb Burns from Maine - they now spend the winters in Florida! |
You are always dealing long distance with various companies via the Internet. My experience today was trying to sign up with UPS for help in package delivery (I wanted to redirect a package to another marina). First you had to register with them and part of the procedure was to verify your identity. It started out pretty innocently by checking your address against their records. After a minor error on their part which I corrected, I was asked three questions to "verify who I was". I thought they were going to ask me for security questions that you typically see from bank registrations (mother's maiden name, etc.). So the first question was a list of five cars, which one do you own? Humm, they got one of my cars right. Next was the model year of my other car - they got that right too. Then they asked which person do you recognize in a list, one was my daughter. But the real clincher was the question to name the month she was born! Where do they get all this stuff? BTW, they also knew the name of my son and doubtlessly, the month he was born too. So I called and asked, well "It's a matter of public records". Which records? "The Public Records". Now I'm not a stickler for privacy but I was a little taken aback for such questions in merely signing up for package tracking! Just be assured that there is no such thing as privacy anymore, it's an illusion if you believe there is any.
I never did get registered, the "Public Records" for my phone number (which I had never given, it's a cellphone") did not match the address where the bills are sent - I have no idea why. They suggested I correct the "Public Records".
John Kwak dropped by too for a visit - he's on a mooring here too |
After that entertainment, we had friends arrive that Ann knew from her days at the University of Maine, Dick and Barb, who are going to stay overnight. So we're catching up on past events and who should drop by but John Kwak from the Poughkeepsie YC, it's almost turning into another PYC south meeting. So we spent the afternoon and evening swapping stories. Ann prepared her usual outstanding dinner enjoyed by all.
It looks like we'll head north now on Thursday for Titusville, the winds look right and we'll get the boat in shape for our next crew due Monday who will be with us for a week, nice to have friends along.