Our new crew for the next week |
It's starting to get a little chilly down here, in the 50's in the morning so it's time to get serious about moving further south! To help us in that respect, Rudy Colich and Alison Kaase joined us today for the next week where we intend to complete the leg down the Chesapeake and on to Elizabeth City, going through the Dismal Swamp along the way.
Next time you see Rudy, we sure to ask him about the jewelry store in Annapolis. Alison was looking and trying to decide which of two necklaces she wanted as a birthday gift from Rudy. Trying to be helpful, I suggested to Rudy to get both. He didn't seem to appreciate the help...
Ego Alley dinghy dock, note the ducks ready to decorate your dink! |
No trip to Annapolis is complete until you have a Painkiller at Pussar's on Ego Alley. We've been to all three of their restaurants in the BVI and were elated to learn they opened one in Annapolis. So with Alison's gift safely tucked away, Rudy led the way to Pussar's and we all ordered our Painkillers. The restaurant specializes in Caribbean dishes so I had the jerk chicken, very spicey.
We're in the cockpit now, night was fallen and it's dead calm. The lights of the harbor are bright all around, just a perfect setting for sharing with another crew. We'll start out Tuesday morning for the anchorage at Solomons, also very well protected.
The answer to yesterdays question was "A". The markers for the ICW all have yellow triangles (reds) or yellow squares (greens) pasted on, much smaller than the marker itself but visible. There are a few places where a yellow triangle may be on a green marker! If so, treat the marker as if it were red for the purposes of following the ICW.
Q3: When being overtaken by a faster boat, you should:
A. Continue at your normal pace and direction and the faster boat will pass where there's the most room.
B. Respond in kind to the number of toots given by the overtaking boat
C. Slow down to idle and let the overtaking boat pass on your starboard side
D. Same as "C" but let the overtaking boat pass on your port side.
E. Reply to the VHF call of the overtaking boat and agree on which side to pass