Cruising Tips

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Key West - Pelican feed time and Mallory


No cruise ship today!

I took a walk to Mallory Square this afternoon but it was far before the crowds were due to arrive. There was ship in port so it was deserted. No doubt, there will be a crowd tonight as always but not when I was there. Key West is more crowded than I remember from past years but we stay outside, not in enclosed areas and dine in restaurants that have outside seating, so far, so good. 

Feed me! No competition from Tarpons here.

Key West has an active charter fleet of fishing boats that take on passengers to deep sea fishing. When the charters return to port, there’s an active group of pelicans ready to meet them! The charter crew will usually fillet their catch on the dock and cast what they don’t use to the pelicans. The birds will often fight over who gets what scrap but the pelicans aren’t the only ones in the equation. The tarpons also come for their share and will gobble down the scraps before the pelicans can get to them. These are not small fish, around 4 to 5 feet long! If the tarpons go after them, the pelicans don’t stand a chance. 

We enjoy the back alleys of Key West. Some of the plants are huge! In another month, they will start blooming. 

In the photo, the pelicans are near Turtle Kraal where the tarpons cannot go so they have the scraps all to themselves. For us, we just enjoy watching all the activities in warm weather, nice. 

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