Cruising Tips

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Key West - The fishing fleet comes in and the pelicans are happy!


The fish cleaning station is conveniently located near pelicans(?)

I showed the pelicans yesterday waiting for their evening snack sitting on top of the turtle museum. I walked over today to see the activity in more detail. I had thought they would have no competition from tarpons like they do at the 4:00 pm feeding by A&B Seafood. I was wrong. The tarpons are not about to pass up a free meal. Somehow, they found a path in by the fish cleaning area. 

The pelicans are not alone in their fondness for fish! Here come the tarpons. 

We always enjoy seeing fellow travelers along the ICW. We had three couples stop by today and we pass the time in conversation. I always enjoy the feedback which I use on ways to improve my Guide and the Facebook page I run for ICW cruisers. I’m also selling Bob423 burgees at Fleetwing for those that want them. 

Are they pretty? Not really. Fun fact, pelicans and seagulls don’t mix.
There are no seagulls in the harbor.

I had an article published today in Waterway Guide News on the use of an iPad Pro 12.9 at the helm. The iPad Pro 12.9 can perform functions that no chartplotter can do. The details are in the article, here’s the link: iPad Pro 12.9 at the helm

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