Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Key West - A walk along the docks


The beach is only three blocks away, a short walk but not much activity today.

The strong winds are abating somewhat but they won’t really calm down until Friday. It’s now predicted to be in the 70s the rest of the month with lows only in the 60s. There’s a sandy beach not far from the Bight and we walked to investigate. It certainly wasn’t crowded. It’s not much of a beach but it’s the only one on this side of Key West open to the public. 

Where’s is everybody!? One lone pelican

What was apparent were the larger than normal number of boats at anchor. They were before us as far as the eye could see. I can imagine what it’s like out there in 25 too 30 kt winds, especially at night but I’ll stay where I’m at. 

On the way back, we walked past A&B Seafood and their docks. It’s all powerboats except for one lone sailboat. It looks like party time there, not a place to sleep over at night. One lone pelican was waiting for the 4:00 feeding but it was only 2:30 so he was mighty early. So we’re just chilling out and enjoying the weather, not a bad way to spend the winter.

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