Cruising Tips

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Titusville - We search for citrus

It's a small grove in amongst residential houses  
There have been many citrus growers around here that have gone bust. There's been a number of citrus diseases that have wreaked havoc with the groves and the recent hurricanes have not helped. We found one of the few surviving groves today and bought 1/2 bushel of oranges and the same for grapefruit. They cut slices of each variety before we bought the citrus for us to taste, both were good! So now we are loaded up for the trip north with the goodness of Florida.

They were absolutely fresh
I spent the afternoon exploring the features of my new iPad Pro. As you might expect, it is very fast. You don't need the speed if all you do it read the news over the internet but in my case, I have a lot of graphics with the navigation programs I have loaded, 14 in all. The speed helps with drawing the charts rapidly.

We saw this guy resting on a line where he had to balance like on a swing. Would he
be there all night??
We have two more days of boat work and the chores are starting to mount up. I'll return the car Monday morning and dive into getting the boat ready for us not being around for almost two months. I pick up our rental car Wednesday morning and this year it's from Hertz. Enterprise was $600 more. We will load it up Wednesday night and take off Thursday morning (road trip!) That will also be the end of the blog until January.

1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip home and wave when you pass through Pennsy.
