Cruising Tips

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Titusville - Visit with Gordon and Eta

Before I started my presentation, I snapped a picture of the room. It was quite large but the audience didn't fill it up
I gave my presentation on "Who Do You Trust (for navigation)" at the Seven Seas Cruising Association this morning. It went well according to those that attended. The printed version can be seen on the Waterway Guide site.

Addison Chan, a fellow Waterway Guide editor
who covers Cuba
Then I went hunting for the connector I needed between the USB-C plug on the iPad Pro and the USB-A plug on my laptop. It's required to make my new iPad have the same apps as on my old iPad. It's also the connector that Apple didn't include in their package even though I ordered everything on their list of accessories. With the new plug, I cloned my new iPad Pro so now I have a useful new iPad. It will function as my new chartplotter at the helm. The larger screen size will be a welcomed addition.

While I was gone, Ann snapped this picture in the fog this morning
This evening we were invited for dinner with Gordon and Eta who used to own a Beneteau 423 like ours but went over to the dark side when they sold it and bought a large powerboat. Nevertheless, it was a nice evening with great wine and great food.

Gordon and Eta, long-time friends
The winds here have piped up a bit and blowing out of the one direction that's unprotected, the east and southeast. We are still relatively calm behind several large powerboats but we are rocking somewhat. We have the car for one more day, perhaps we'll explore more on Sunday.

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