Cruising Tips

Monday, November 12, 2018

Titusville - Getting ready

Ann draws in the cockpit often. Here she is just drawing with an artist pencil. 
It's time to get Fleetwing ready for its stay in Titusville while we're up north "enjoying" the cold weather. over the holidays. First on the agenda was an oil change and I got halfway through it before I realized I didn't have an oil filter. I had to order one from a supplier in Connecticut, McDonnell Marine, which I've depended upon ever since I bought our Beneteau in 2004. They are the largest Volvo parts supplier in New England. The parts price was fine but the shipping was standard FedEx with overnight delivery - one arm and half of another one later, it was on its way.

Ann did some drawing up in the cockpit, using her iPad instead of a photograph for a source. The source is only used as a general guide. What winds up in the drawing may never have occurred in nature but it's a pleasing picture, the only important thing.

It's still a better sunset than we'll see up north
We have one more day of prep before I pick the rental up on Wednesday. Then, it's packing and we're off for points north. Learning from past mistakes, we will completely empty the freezer and turn it off. One year we didn't do that and returned to the boat to find the power off and a true mess in the freezer. Never again. Hoolie will spend the next month and a half on land. In doing so, he's learned that he can go out anything he wants so we'll let him out about every hour or so when we first return. It's great freedom for a dog, I guess. He can't do that on Fleetwing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob,

    Tim Connolly from Lady Di 4 or AC topcorner18.

    I was going to hail you as we passed Titusville today but thought you might be a bit to busy getting ready for the trip north. The Facebook page has taken on a life of its own! Congratulations. Another rousing success. You'd better lay low though, the pharma business might come looking for you due to the cancellations of cruisers anti-anxiety prescriptions!

    You may have noticed in my responses to posts, I have been encouraging people to search the group as many of the questions being asked have been answered many many times. Hope you don't mind. Just trying to save you some effort answering the same question over and over. Maybe a post over the holidays showing people how to search the group. Some may not know how to do it. The little search box on the left works great! :>)

    Hope you have a great holiday and I look forward to reading your blog upon your return.

    All the best and thank you for all you have done for the cruising community!

    Tim and Dianne Connolly - and Sanderson the Wonder Pomeranian.
