Cruising Tips

Saturday, November 4, 2017

St Augustine - at a dock for Enjoyment Day

St George Street, lots of shops
Today was an off-day. We decided to just enjoy St Augustine with a walk in the morning down St George Street. It's a pedestrian only street with all kinds of shops along the way. We found a Spanish bakery so now we have bread for the rest of the trip to Titusville.

Hoolie had a secret admirer
The weather is so warm now that we're in Florida. It's such a joy to just walk around in the pleasant temperatures. In the afternoon the pirate ship was having an affair of some sort and pirates of all kinds walked by Fleetwing on the way to their ship. They all liked to pet Hoolie and, of course, he enjoyed the attention to no end.

A pesky osprey like to perch on top of our mast - I jiggled the jib to scare him off - several times!
We walked again in the afternoon and I took Ann out to a local Cuban restaurant for dinner tonight. While there, the St Augustine official strollers came by. They were all dressed out in costumes around the time the city was formed. We learned that they "stroll" through St Augustine once a month, on the first Saturday of each month. We just happened to hit the timing right.

They take their history seriously - all costumes are supposed to be authentic
On Sunday, we're headed south again and plan on anchoring out at Bethune Park in Daytona. It's a big area for anchoring and there's a park nearby with a dinghy dock for Hoolie relief. It's even lit at night which we'll need for the time change Sunday morning.


  1. Greetings. We are one of your faithful followers and are in Daytona. We will be heading south with our Passport 42, a draft of 6'3". ICW at Ponce Inlet shoaling at R2 and R2a and especially at R18 and R18a is troubling. Was wondering if you will be posting your route for a deeper path thru at these locations. Thank you again for sharing your travels.
    Cheryl & Dave
    s/v Renaissance

  2. At first I thought Hoolie got a visit from Johnny Depp.....nice pics and writing as usual.

  3. Cheryl, I’m trying the alternate route at R18 and R18A today. It’s the route that follows outside the 6 ft contour line on the island off port. I took it the last time there was severe shoaling with good results, 9 MLW then. We'll see what happens today. I’ll post results at the Active Captain marker. R2 and R2A could be more of a problem. There’s no alternative route other than take them on the wrong side like I did a couple of years ago. Stay tuned.

    Bob, they had a pirate party on the pirate party boat, Depp stopped by...
