Cruising Tips

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Daytona at Bethune Park Anchorage - at anchor

We saw a flock of white pelicans, they are bigger than the gray variety
For some reason, the tide was with us all day long. I don't know what we did to deserve that but we'll take it. There were no surprises along the way. Ft Mantanzas is starting to shoal in again but it's still passable with 6.8 MLW at the lowest point.

Irene, I guess
With the tide behind us, we got to our anchorage in record time. It's at the Bethune Park just south of Halifax Harbor Marina. There's 9 to 10 MLW and tons of room. There used to be a dinghy dock but the last storm wiped it out. It's now floating in pieces so I just took Hoolie to the nearby, sandy beach.

Along the way, I continued snapping photos of bridge height boards and today I never saw one at 65 ft! It will take time to compile my list and put them in order for reference. In the meantime, look at these boards! All four bridges were pretty much like this one. There is only a 0.9 tide through here and we came through at high tide. 

We have a couple of challenging spots on Monday by the Ponce de Leon inlet. There are reports of only 4 to 5 ft of water at MLW. High tide for our area is at 10:00 am so we should have no problem but I still want to try out an alternate route for those following behind me. It looks like the passage will effectively be closed at low tide unless the alternate is deep enough. If I succeed, I'll post the route and perhaps the waypoints too.

We slowed down for a flotilla of kayaks
Monday is the big day. We’re due to arrive at Titusville to leave Fleetwing there for the next two months while we swing north again for the holidays. But all is still not smooth sailing. The railroad bridge just north of Titusville is being worked on during the daylight hours. The only openings are at 8:00, 12:00 and 4:00. It's just one more challenge on our trip south this autumn. If it's closed, then we'll just anchor until they let us pass through.
At anchor, we used the sandy beach

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