Cruising Tips

Friday, November 3, 2017

St Augustine - at a dock

Let's see, the tide was running 3 kts behind Fleetwing, come in and stop immediately, no problem (this time...)
If you catch the tide right, it's a quick ride down to St Augustine. Today we were topping 10.4 kts at times! With temps in the 70's and full sun we think we're finally in the warm weather in Florida. We continue to pass bridges with less than 65 ft at high tide. Over the winter, my plan is to publish a list of bridges and their clearance at low tide so the cruiser can just add on the tide level and then calculate the clearance directly. After all, what's high tide? The high tides vary during the year and even during the day. What you really want to know is the clearance at a 0.0 MLW low tide. Then you can just add in the present tide to the MLW tide and get a clearance.

Typical dock damage
The request by St Augustine to just open the Bridge of Lions once an hour was denied by the Coast Guard. So now it opens on top of the hour and again at 1/2 past the hour except for 8:00, 12:00, and 5:00 when there is no opening.

Ann loved talking "shop" with the artists
The St Augustine City Marina is open. However, they only have about 1/2 of their docks in working condition. All of the south docks are inoperable along with some of the north docks. We did get a dock for two days but just barely.

Coming back to the boat, a quiet night
Ann likes St Augustine for all the galleries. She loves to talk to the artists giving demonstrations. It's her version of talking shop (papers, pastels used, people they know, techniques in use, etc.) We'll spend another day and tour the rest of the town before leaving Sunday for Daytona and anchoring.

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