Cruising Tips

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Marine Stadium at Miami - at anchor

Government Cut was crazy with boats coming and going! This guy was right ahead of us. 
Sarah's Blog

Today we left Ft Lauderdale and set out at 8:10 and I mostly slept most of the way and now we're here at Marine Stadium. First thing we got here I had an egg sandwich as you can see I love because I have had it for a long time every day. Then I put on my swim suit and went swimming on the back of the boat. First I did was a canon ball then tried on my snorkel gear and they worked great then I notice that they were more dolphins in the water if they were just headed my way I could of swim with then but they didn't come to close. I named then Swift and Peace they both mean swiftly and peacefully there just so calming to watch.  Then me and Hoolie both played in the dink again and we got to watch them closer it was awesome. Just close your eyes and picture a sunny afternoon with the sun all most down and then dolphins going gracefully in the water up and down up and down isn't it calming that's what I felt like watching them. Now I did my work a little late and did it when we were getting diesel and then we came back and going to wait for better weather we might leave on Saturday that's fine with me as long as we get to Key West. Well bye going to play in the dink and looking for Swift and Peace bye!oiHbb

Training for the Olympics
We left Ft Lauderdale and had a bridge to make at 8:30 which we barely did and made our way out into the Atlantic. It was a calm day, the reason we chose that day for going south, and upon reaching Government Cut in Miami we briefly played with the idea of continuing on to Rodriguez Key which we would not have reached until 6:00 pm. We hemmed and hawed and eventually decided to just anchor in Marine Stadium instead. Now we have to wait for weather since Thursday is a good day but the rest of the week has strong winds out of the west, not the usual direction and not good for going west! 

We're starting to see more sunsets as we head south
So here we are in Marine Stadium waiting for weather. The next window doesn't appear to be coming until Sunday or Monday of this week. We're due in Key West on Wednesday which is three days away from here! Needless to say, we'll be watching the weather closely: grib and marine weather mostly. 

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