Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Marine Stadium at Miami - Waiting for weather

Sarah spotted the iguana first, otherwise we would have missed it
Sarah's Blog

Today I had breakfast and then started on my home work and finished by lunch then me and Hoolie went to go play in the dink and went around the boat instead of just pushing off. Then we went out looking for iguana. I spotted first one and the second Nana named one Iggy and I named the other one Spike then we went a way and Nana spotted number three. He was the biggest one and on a tree branch I named him Hugo. We also saw this tiny sail boat and it really flies in the air only a foot and then goes down. Then I went into the dink and tied it to the side of the boat and then read Anne Frank for a while and sat in the shade. Then I made some of my famous lemonade and we drink the lemonade that felt refreshing because its really hot but I really can't complain am in Florida in winter what's better then that!  For dinner tonight we are having cheese burgers yum, with beans too, and full of sesame seed buns I can't wait. Well bye going to play in the dink and watch the beautiful city lights of Miami bye! oiHbb

The hydrofoil sailor always amazes me
We are devouring weather reports. Mainly we rely on grib forecasts. They seem to be ahead of and more reliable than the coastal forecasts. So now the outlook is to sail down Biscayne Bay on Saturday in 15 to 20 kt winds and overnight at Caesar's Creek before continuing on to Marathon on Sunday. The run to Marathon will be about a 10 hour day but the wind is due to  be on our aft quarter so we ought  to be able to sail some, we hope. The only way we can get into Caesar's Creek is on an absolute high tide with our 4' 9" draft but the tide gods are with us so it ought to be possible. 

We counted sailboats from five countries practicing today
Today we took a tour of the harbor and saw iguanas, an osprey and a great heron. Some idiot was doing wheelies all day long in a jet ski! This was in an area where they were training for the Olympics with multiple sailing skiffs and shells out. What an idiot1 We could barely hear ourselves think not to mention the rocking of the boat. It's quiet now, the idiots go to bed early I guess. 

Typical Florida sunset
So Friday is another layover day before taking off on Saturday for Caesar's Creek. Hopefully the forecast holds, no guarantees. 

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