Cruising Tips

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ft Lauderdale - Last day

Sarah and Hoolie had great fun just messing around in the dinghy
Sarah's Blog

I started off today with a walk we saw a lot of coconuts in the water today. Also this morning we saw iguana in the water, it was a dead baby and nana said that the moms are really big! When we got back I did some work and read more Anne Frank am really driving though it am on page 156. Then I made a egg sandwich with egg, cheese, and a bun covered in sesame seeds yum. Then I made some peanut butter cookies today yum1 they turned out great and Nana let me have a sample one too. Today I was bored and I didn't want to do any more work so I played in the dingy. I would tie the rope to a pole and the set it out so I would go out. It was fun when Hoolie came in though he wasn't going too far. Finally when we came in the dingy we went to shore. Took a nice walk around the marine and the came back to find even more coconuts! Am going coconuts for coconuts but Nana said that we will get one some where. Now am going to play in the dink more oh and we are trying a recipe tonight that I found on a box. Its Mac n cheese with sweet red and green peppers and sausage too, well bye going to play in the dink with Hoolie bye.oiHbb

We started the day with our morning walking and running which is much easier to do in 70 degree weather! Some people think we're on vacation all the time but actually our home just moves around a lot. We don't shovel snow off our driveway nor wear heavy clothing going out but we still have to maintain our "house", Fleetwing. So today it was cleaning the inside of the boat to ensure mildew doesn't get established and ridding the boat of dog hair, an on-going project along with doing laundry. 

We've seen these groups all up and down the ICW - you rent a Segway and ride around with a guide - looks like fun
Sarah had her school work to do, a daily project and she's trying to get ahead so when Aunt Carrie visits in February, she won't have to spend time away from her cousins. So far she's only one day ahead, not enough. 

On Wednesday we head south to Marina Stadium and it looks like a perfect day for going outside with little wind and not much wave action, good for Sarah. Hopefully, Government Cut won't be closed (like it is sometimes when big ships come in). We never know until we actually arrive outside Miami. '

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