Cruising Tips

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ft Lauderdale - at a mooring

The beach
Sarah's Blog:

Today we started off early because we had to go under 15 whole bridges that open. We had donuts this morning because we couldn't get then on Sunday they were glazed raspberry filled yum! As a donut lawyer I loved them and take my very work seriously. See it's hard to go through 15 whole bridge because you have to contact them on the radio and see when they open, it could be an hour or 20 minutes you never know. 

Sarah found her spot on the boat!
Then I took a nap because I went to sleep at 11:00 a clock because I didn't feel to good but now I do. we finally got to Ft Lauderdale, and took a walk. I saw the famous beach it was hard to fully take it in because they was so many people more than ocean city boardwalk! My favorite part was going under the bridge, see I loved the waves when they were really big we would go up and down up and down it was so much fun! We also saw a bunch of coconuts in the water, I guess they just fall in there which I thought was pretty cool. Now we're back at the boat and going to have a really yummy dinner too.  Well bye off to look for more coconuts in the water.

A bit of a sunset behind the boat
Oh the  bridges! We managed to make every bridge without waiting except one. We missed that bridge by 5 minutes. We didn't want to come down on a Sunday since you never want to do the trip on a weekend but then we forgot that Monday was MLK day! The ICW was alive with all the crazies. They turn left, right, stop - all without looking back. I had to do a quick stop of the boat twice to avoid a collision. 

Right behind the boat - they like to wrap all the palm trees in lights at Ft Lauderdale
When we reached Ft Lauderdale we found the mooring field almost empty. I guess the $45/day rate scares a few people away. Since we only come by twice a year, we'll put up with it for the convenience of easy laundry and a protected dinghy tie up. We took a walk through town and it was crowded as usual, including the beach with the temps in the high 70's. On Tuesday we'll do laundry, the last we'll do until Key West and the next day head south again to Marine Stadium

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