Cruising Tips

Friday, October 31, 2014

Two Dolphins pace Fleetwing

A dolphin paced us for about 10 minutes on our way to Titusville, Florida
We got a lazy start this morning since we only had less then 30 miles to go. The anchorage last night was a quiet as a lake. All the predicted thunderstorms went north of us, we had no storms at all. Raising anchor around 8:45, we headed south once again. It was a no stress day since all the shallow spots are now north of us. Once again we had a beautiful day of mostly light winds and fair skies.

Along the way I noticed a lot of splashing along side the boat. Wondering what was the cause, I looked over the side and much to my amazement I saw two dolphins speeding along by the side of the boat. They were just lazing along about 3 of 4 feet off the starboard aft quarter, right by the cockpit. As soon as I spotted them, Hoolie looked too and started to bark vigorously. Ann pulled him back as I took photos and a video of the dolphin encounter. They kept pace with us for 10 minutes or so, just having fun. To see the video of dolphins pacing Fleetwing, click here. In the background you can hear Ann trying to quiet Hoolie who was very excited and barking at the dolphins. 

We are now tucked in between two enormous powerboats in Titusville
We arrived in Titusville where we'll keep Fleeting for the next two months while we return north for the holidays. They now have a locked gate on the access to B dock and they are installing locked gates to the other docks too. We're on B82, nice and secure for the duration. As I've said in previous posts, the docks are massive and you feel good that your boat will be protected while away. I took advantage of Enterprise's $10/day special for weekend rentals so we have a car until Monday at 3:00 pm. Time to explore the area and return to old haunts. 


  1. Simply gorgeous shots throughout your blog;we especially love the dolphin aside your boat! Great blog and you have provided wonderful and accurate information on Active Captain!
    Fair Winds & Smooth Sailing,
    Elaine & Lawrence
    S/V Elle & I

  2. Glad you like the blog! Did you see the link to the video in addition to the photo? The two dolphins sped along side of us and didn't seem bothered by Hoolie's excited barking.

    Active Captain is a very convenient place to just keep your own notes of the trouble spots. We used to write them down in a notebook but no more. Glad they can be of use.
