Cruising Tips

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Titusville - House stuff and high winds

The marina at Titusville is very pleasant. Well taken care of with attentive staff
A cold front descended on us today with winds of 20 to 30 kts and temps only in the 60's. It predicted to be even colder Sunday but at least with full sun so the cockpit will be toasty. We had planned on going to Merritt Island to see the wildlife but with high winds we decided to wait for a better day.

Meanwhile we did house things like getting our flu shots, laundry and provisioning. Hoolie even got a chance to run in the dog park, one speed - flat out all the time. In a marina the first question from any cruiser is, "Where's the nearest Walmart?" If you want to pay more for the exact same items, you're free to go elsewhere. We called all around for flu shots, especially for the increased potency version recommended for those over 65 (more potency to better stimulate an immune system that's not what it used to be). Well, the only place that had them was Walmart. CVS was out of stock as were many others.

Titusville Marina is also where we saw a 9 ft alligator lazily swimming along behind our boat one year
We only rent cars on weekends. Enterprise has a $10/day rental special for weekends that costs (with taxes and add-on) $40 with a pick up on Friday and a return on Monday. Normally you would pay that for a single day during the week. The winds are supposed to die down to only 10 to 20 kts on Sunday and we plan on visiting the Merritt Island Wildlife Reserve that day.

So we're settling into our Titusville routine to enjoy the warm weather that's due to return later in the week, into the 80's again. We will be here until November 20th when we head for Carrie's home in Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

  1. Finally caught up with your blog. Sounds like all is going well on your end (except maybe your radar). Covered Impromptu today, would have loved to have traded your "seventies" for our "forties".
    Seems like you guys left only yesterday. Have a safe trip north tor the holidays!
