Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rockhouse Creek - at anchor

The lighthouse by Rockhouse Creek
We slipped out Thursday morning at 7:15 am, very early for us. The tide was 5.2 ft and dropping at the dock and we wanted to be sure to survive the exit to the ICW. The stars were all out when I took Hoolie out with Orion high in the sky, an impressive sight.

Hoolie eventually did his business and when we returned to the boat, the sky was already lightening. I put the space heater we have in the cockpit facing forward so the windows will be defogged. It works pretty well. If you just wipe them dry, moisture will just reform on them, blocking vision - especially before the sun rises.

We may get some stormy weather tonight
So with everything ready, we pushed off (we now always count lines attached to shore, nothing like an abrupt halt caused by a line still attached!) Heading out the entrance, we found 6.2 ft, about a foot more than we needed. Gee, we could have slept in another hour!

Aiming for Rockhouse Creek, we found another perfect day for traveling with light winds, warm breezes with full sunshine. Pulling into Rockhouse Creek, we found ourselves alone. We dropped anchor and we're secure for the night. On Friday we will pull into Titusville for a dock for the next two months while we head back north for the holidays. Hoolie's looking forward to the dog park and all his friends from spring! 

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