Cruising Tips

Friday, January 13, 2012

Marine Stadium at Miami - At anchor

Miami at night - new camera with optical stabilization, it works!(shot from a rocking boat)
We left with the prediction of calm seas and light winds and for once the weatherman was right. Although we had to motor, there were no bridges out in the Atlantic! There is only a 20 mile stretch of open ocean between Ft Lauderdale and Miami so it's no big deal to go outside here. The ICW through here has a 55 ft bridge that's problematic for our 55.3 ft mast so we chose the safe route outside.

Crew training - fun to watch
There's a cold front coming through Saturday that will drop the high for the day to only 70F! We're well protected from all strong winds at one of our favorite anchorages on the ICW at Marine Stadium. There's even entertainment from watching the crews train and on Saturday there's to be a master's tournament which ought to be interesting to watch.

We never tire to watch...
At night we have the usual view of Miami at night, spectacular! The lights are of all colors and reflect off the water to give a glorious display. We never tire of the panorama. We'll be here for several days, perhaps even until Wednesday awaiting calm seas for our trip to Marathon, our next stop.

1 comment:

  1. It does look like Milk Made! Love that color..............
