Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Marine Stadium - Racers arrive

All in pink! (an all girl crew - war canoe?)
Late last Friday evening, we were approached by a boat representing the boat club that requested us to move further from the south shore since they were going to have race practices the next day and needed the lanes. We didn't mind so we re-anchored across on the opposite shore which actually turned out to be a better anchorage than where we were at. It was more convenient for Hoolie relief and had less wind and wave action since the wind was out of that direction. It was the first time anyone had ever asked us to move in all the times we've been at Marine Stadium.

A sailboat on stilts?
Shortly after breakfast, the racing shells came out and we watched an took pictures of the colorful shells. We thought they seemed to be over-dressed for the temperatures in the mid 60s, especially with the physical effort involved but they sure sped along.

We were enjoying our wine on the back of the boat when we saw a one man sailboat go whizzing by - wow we thought, we didn't realize the wind was so strong, it didn't seem that strong in our boat. Looking more closely we saw that the boat was elevated on hydrofoils! It really flew! When he slowed down, the boat sunk to hull level but as he picked up speed in a gust, the whole boat elevated, the strangest sight! Miami University has a boathouse on the water where all the racers came from. The water in the anchorage is so flat that it's ideal for low water line racers.

Dinking around the anchorage
We're still going to wait out the winds, watching the forecast for an opening to head further south.

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