Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 12, 2012

11 bridges yesterday, 15 bridges today! - At Ft Lauderdale on a mooring

Not a bad summer house
We fared much better today with all the bridges. As we found out last year, if you can maintain 7 knots, you can make all the  bridges without much of a wait. Yesterday was not so good due to the 1.5 kts of current against us causing us to miss three bridges with the accompanied 1/2 hour wait each time. Today was much better since the current was only 1.0 to 0.5 against us and we didn't miss the opening of any bridges.

Another typical house on the ICW
It was also very warm with temps near 80. All was not smooth since this section of the ICW is like the East River in New York City with concrete breakwaters on either side of the channel. If a powerboat comes down throwing a wake, it reflects off the walls and creates a very confused wave action. Luckily, we only had a one mile stretch of such wave action, otherwise it was smooth.

Looks like the Fitchetts are spending some time down south...
One thing you really notice are all the beautiful mansions right on the ICW. Although we saw many for sale signs, we also saw a dozen or so new constructions underway. Somebody is spending the money.

We poured over the weather this afternoon with the conclusion that Friday is the best day to continue south. We had wanted to stay a few days and enjoy Ft Lauderdale but cooler weather with some wind is coming our way and Friday is the last day to beat it going south. We'll head for one of our favorite anchorages at Marine Stadium with a view of the Miami skyline in the distance and wait out the cool weather before continuing down the Keys.

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