Cruising Tips

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rhodes River Anchorage

Chesapeake Bay Bridge
We had somewhat of a problem with Hoolie last night. He jumped up on our bed at 4:00 am which is something he never does, we shooed him off but he came back and second and third time. Then we heard the sound of peeing. He had been trying to tell us that he had to go but we hadn’t recognized the signals. We had stayed up late last night and there was a lot of activity at the marina so he was wide awake when we went to bed. Evidently it \was too much for his system. I took him out after the fact at 4:30 am and he slept the rest of the night as far away from us as he could get on our boat, the aft cabin – he knew he had done wrong. Oh well, these things happen so tonight we took him out twice, once at 4:30 and again at 7:30, we’ll see what happens.

Paul's Wine Gift!
 Today was a windy and rainy day. We got a late start due to having to wash the bed sheets and divan cover which got us closer to low tide over the bar at the entrance to the marina but we made it okay, we saw 5.8 ft at the marina entrance which is okay for us with a 5ft keel. We celebrated our trip today by opening the wine that Paul Cohen gave us last night, very good!

Hoolie's Relief Island
We are anchored tonight at the Rhodes River anchorage. It’s big enough for an armada, it’s bigger even than Oyster Bay on the Long Island Sound. It’s protected on all sides and with 60 ft of chain out in only 8.5 ft of water, we are very secure. It has a small island that perfect for Hoolie relief, always a factor in the selection of our anchorages. We are aiming for Hampton on Friday if the weather is okay, we’ll see.

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