Cruising Tips

Monday, September 27, 2010

Still in Rhode Rive Anchorage

A Pefect Loop
 The weather has turned sour. The forecast for the bay was for 25 kt winds with 35 kt gusts along with rain and an occasional thunderstorm thrown in for good measure. In addition to everything else, the wind would have been against the tide. With all that we decided to sit out today in our secure anchorage and do boat chores.

I had three lines that needed an eye and so we got out the book and studied how to do the splicing. I think Ann got the hang of it faster than I did, probably from all the hair braiding she’s done over the years but then again maybe she’s just better at it than me. We planned future stops and studies the likely anchorages hoping for better weather on Tuesday but then again the forecast is not so wonderful, time will tell.
Somewhat Less than Perfect
The beach on Hoolie’s island disappeared today with the wind driven high tide out of the south. He had about 1 square foot to do his business in (which he did), poor boy. Well, we’ll move when the weather lets us, we’re not going to fight it. We could have gone to our next anchorage if we pushed, the boat is certainly capable but then why do it if it’s not 100% enjoyable to us?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob - For down the bay planning considerations I offer Solomons Island as your next stop. Zahnizers mooring ball $35, Calverts $1.00/ft with courtesy car or anchor past Zahnizers mooring field. Next day (1) Indian Creek-anchor in Pitman's Cove or Chesapeake Boat Basin $1.25/ft with courtesy car (2) continue on to Jackson Creek Deltaville & tie up at Fishing Bay YC T head (sailboat friendly YC) & look for Dixon Cole mgr, can use kitchen in Fannie's House to cook dinner an eat on screened in porch - nice view. Can also anchor in Jackson Creek. Annapollis Yacht Sales South located at Deltaville Boatyard in Jackson Creek Jonathan & Anne Hutchings. Deltaville to Hampton next - I can get you berth a Hampton YC or call Mgr Rich 757-722-0711 or Anne in HYC office can provide car for provisioning, etc--- Buddy DeRyder
