Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rock Hall – Fall Festival Day

We just happened to hit Fall Festival Day at Rock Hall and with it the marina was packed full of boats. There was a free trolley ride into town which we took since I needed some supplies from WestMarine and we needed to reprovision at the local supermarket.

Fall Festival Day resembled a day at the county fair. There were booths for handicrafts, live music and, of course, lots of stuff to eat! I found a one-way valve for the A/C drain and we took advantage of the supermarket. However, on the way back to the pickup point for the trolley, we had to pass by the food booths and we both succumbed! The aromas just overwhelmed the both of us. Ann had an excellent crab cake sandwich and I had a beef barbeque sandwich – great! Everything was topped off with a funnel cake with powdered sugar on top, much too many calories but who’s counting?

Paul Cohen dropped by to say hello, the first one from my Beneteau 423 forum. He’s been following my blog and we had a great chat about all things boat. He went away with a great list of to-do’s, always a good thing when it comes to boat projects. We appreciated his recommendations for anchorages nearby. It’s always good to hear from forum members.

We’ll leave Sunday around 8:30 am when the tide is high. On the way in on Friday I saw 5.2 feet at one point and I have a 5.0 ft keel! There’s 10 ft inside the breakwater but there’s shoaling by the green daymarker which you have to avoid. At one point I was thinking of starting a lottery to name the date when we’ll first run aground, so far we’ve avoided that fate

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