Cruising Tips

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hook Mountain to Northport anchorage

Ahoy it’s me Matt. On Thursday I started my Fleetwing Cruise after getting back from Alabama. This morning I woke up at Hook Mountain and went ashore to walk the dog. Then we weighed anchor and started down the Hudson. I watched movies for most of the time. Then we had lunch, I had a huge boil of pasta left over from the Eveready Diner. Then I watched some more movies until we got in to New York Harbor. Then I came up on deck and took tons of pictures and we even saw 6 helicopters land and take of in the same spot. Afterwards I played some games until we got to Northport in the Long Island Sound. Then I went swimming and after a couple of tries I got in to the dink in the middle of the water. I also perfected my dive and swam with out my life jacket. But then I accidentally knocked my goggles into the water and didn’t get them in time and now are at the bottom of the Long Island Sound. Then we had cheese, steak, and pita bread. Then I watched a movie and now we are going to shore to walk the dog.

As you can see, Matthew is with us and he started his blog today. He’s growing like a weed. He enters 8th grade next year, time flies. We left Hook Mountain with a following tide and rode it all the way to Execution Rocks in the Sound before losing it. The extra two knots makes a big difference to a sailboat (you motorboaters can ignore the comment). The motorboaters also miss the joys of rounding the end of Manhattan and going up the East River to Hell Gate, they take a short cut with bridges too low for us sailboaters.

We made it to Northport by 3:30 or so in preparation for picking up Philip and family for a weekend on the boat, it’ll be fun! We ran the dog and the kid on the beach, both getting wet! Back on the boat, we got our first sunset picture of the trip.

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