Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hook Mountain anchorage

We left Poughkeepsie Yacht Club with a following tide, a great way to start our Long Island cruise. A front came through yesterday so the air was cool and there was no threat of thunderstorms. We made many trips down the Hudson River for our yearly cruises and mostly it was motoring. This time was no different except when we got to Haverstraw, the wind picked up out of the north and we put up the headsail for a nice end to the first day. On the way we passed by West Point as usual but it’s always an impressive site.

The forecast was for a northwest wind which would have been perfect for the Hook Mountain anchorage. However, it was “promises, promises” once again from NOAA. The wind was out of the northeast and blew directly into the anchorage with gusts to 20 kts! The dink ride to shore for Hoolie relief was wild but we made it without getting wet. Hoolie appears to be back to his twice a day routine. We sat on the back of the boat and watched the lights appear on the Tappan Zee bridge, a very pretty sight with the lights like sparkling diamond necklass across the river. Tomorrow it’s Hell Gate!

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