Cruising Tips

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We Gain Crew! Then on to Port Jefferson

The plan was to get a dock at Milford and take on crew there. However, it was the 4th of July weekend and there were no docks available, so much for the recession. We headed out from Northport but had to motor due to little wind and having to be there by noon. We wound up anchoring in the outer harbor and dinking in to pick up Philip, Monique, Sarah, Natalie and Cody (the dog). With the main salon table dropped into a bed, there’s room for all, even the two dogs.

Once again we had to motor on our way to Port Jefferson to look for a place to anchor. Our usual spot was full of boats, more than we’ve ever seen there. We went across the harbor near the sand pit and found a spot outside the anchorage. Again, so much for the recession.

We always pick a spot near a beach for dog relief and this time it spelled double duty for exercising the kids. The breeze was cool, the air was dry and the temperature was in the low 80’s, a perfect day. Everybody is now tucked in, all nine of us.

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