Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Block Island - Calm Winds Finally

The winds finally died down somewhat by noon so we headed out for Block Island. However, before we left we had to do Hoolie relief. The routine in the morning is for me to get the dink prepared by tying it fore and aft to the swim platform, throw in the life vests, the gas can, etc. and somehow in the midst of all this preparation, Hoolie finds a way to get in the dink ahead of me despite my admonishments to the contrary. This morning was no different so I snapped a photo of his successful sneak (”What’s keeping you…?”)

We had about 35 miles to cover so we couldn’t take advantage of the lazy winds and sped along under the iron genny. Nearing Block Island we started to see the racers. Huge boats with even larger spinnakers. They are an impressive sight.

The Great Salt Pond at Block Island was not crowded and we even saw empty moorings, something very rare during the summer season. However, we always anchor at Block, there’s lots of room and it’s closer to shore for our Hoolie trips. It’s calm tonight, clear skies and Sunday we head for Stonington and McKinney’s mooring if it’s still there, otherwise we’ll anchor. It’s good to be back in protected waters and we’re thankful the hurricane season has been so calm. May it continue to be so.

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