Cruising Tips

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stonington - Exploring Block Island

Stonington is not far so we decided to use the morning to explore Block. We dinked to the dock at the Oar House and walked into town. The day was just perfect for walking; full sun, temps in the 70’s, no humidity and a cool breeze. The old port was a busy place with lots of tourists. It’s a fair walk so when we returned to the Oar House we elected to have lunch. We just ordered from the appetizer menu. Ann had buffalo wings and I had tuna but the portions were enough for a full meal! The place gets its name from the custom of displaying decorated oars donated by customers all over the restaurant. There must be over 100 oars, probably more mounted on the ceiling, walls, partitions, over windows, etc. It’s a popular stop for all boaters. I would certainly recommend the place, excellent food.

Returning to Fleetwing, I snapped a photo of our new flag, one your can see from a distance! We weighed anchor and headed for Stonington. Although it was a beautiful day, there was little wind and since we left so late, we couldn’t take advantage of the 5 kts wind breeze to laze along, we had to motor.

Arriving at Stonington, we found McKinney’s mooring again and when I picked it up, it was covered in shells and seaweed! It obviously had not been used all summer. I ran a line through the eye which held it away from the boat and tied off on a cleat. My thanks to McKinney for the use of his mooring! There’s predicted to not be much wind Monday either and if so we’ll head for Branford, depends on the weather. Meanwhile, we enjoyed another fine sunset!

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