Cruising Tips

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cuttyhunk with High Winds

The winds blew a steady 20 to 25 kts all day long with one gust recorded at 28 kts! Since the winds were out of the west, the direction we wanted to go, we decided to have another layover day. Perhaps we can leave Saturday if the winds abate as predicted around noon and swing around to the northwest.

The genset behaved itself all day today, a big relief. However, the camera decided it wanted its share of attention so I have no photos for today. The memory card died in the camera. I have since replaced it and now the camera is working fine but that was after photo ops had passed.
We had a new flag and flag pole to put up and I confidently got it out and went to insert the bottom into our holder and found it didn’t fit. Don’t all teak flagpoles have the same base diameter? Apparently not. So I started whittling and filled the cockpit with wood chips but did get the diameter down enough to fit the rail tube for the pole. Ann wanted a bigger flag so we now have a 60 inch flag on display off the aft of the boat. I would have gotten a photo but….

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