Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Titusville - Groceries and putting things away

Titusville Marina is full!

 We continue getting ready for our trip south. Looking at the weather, it appears that Wednesday or Thursday would be a good day for reaching Vero Beach. We plan on either taking a mooring if available or just anchor south of the bridge and use the public boat ramp for Hoolie relief. 

Nice swing - I meant to get a photo with the captain in the chair but missed it

Before all that, we needed to provision for the leg to Key West and we used Walmart delivery for that. It wasn't the greatest experience. They insisted I had entered to leave the groceries "at the door" instead of calling me first on my cellphone. Well, leave them "at the door" they did, by the marina office, baking in the sun. Luckily, I wasn't all that late and carted the supplies back to Fleetwing without losing anything to a big melt. To add to the confusion, I had a spam blocker on from Verizon which blocked the call from the deliverer when she arrived and also prevented me from calling her back! I'm going to turn that spam blocker off! It's been more trouble than it's worth - and hasn't prevented many spam calls anyway. 

The weather continues to be outstanding and the slips here have been in short supply, they are full! It seems that all of Florida is full so it's wise to have reservations. We'll head out Thursday, most likely. We aren't due in Key West until 1/28/2022. 

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