Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Titusville - Birds and boat cleaning


You should have seen it before!

The marina here has many pros but one con is the bird population which wouldn't normally be a problem except for the berry bushes nearby. The birds eat the berries and if they roost on your rigging, you can hear the ping - ping of the digested berries falling. Over the course of several months (the time we're away), the accumulation of detritus can be discouraging. So today was cleaning day to remove two months of deposits. It took three hours in all but it's done now! Now I just have to keep the birds away for the next three days until we leave. 

I wish I knew what they were trying to accomplish here

Next door is Sand Point Park which is a great running location. There's a pond there with a warning to now swim due to the possibility of alligators. It used to be a clear pond with a water spray which aerated the water but they/ve changed that to a series of round floats, it appears. Now scum is apparent on the surface and I can only guess that they are trying something new? I wonder what the thinking is? It certainly doesn't look as attractive as it used to. 

We are starting to seriously watch the weather now and it appears that Wednesday is a go day with Thursday as a backup and we hope to reach Miami by next Tuesday. Then is once again waiting for weather for the rest of the trip to Key West.

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