Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Ft Lauderdale - at Bahia Mar


The anchorage next to Las Olas is packed

We went through 14  bridges today and hit every one on time, not waiting an extra 30 minutes due to a miss. This timing is possible if you can maintain 7 kts, even against an adverse current. We can do that, so it's no problem inside on the ICW through this stretch. We avoided the weekend crowd so it wasn't all that crowded until we got close to Ft Lauderdale when it got thick. 

I thought the Las Olas mooring field was discontinued - but there are boats 
here and even one open mooring. I wonder what the story is?

The anchorage on the east side of the ICW by Las Olas was packed (see photo). To our surprise, the old mooring field was still there and occupied (see photo)! We were told that it had been discontinued. If anybody is in Ft Lauderdale and can find out the real status of that mooring field, it would be useful to us cruisers. 

We had made reservations at Bahia Mar at $3.75/ft, on the high side of expensive but everything in Ft Lauderdale is expensive. We'll be here one more day since Friday is predicted to be rainy with Saturday morning clear with no wind and no wave action on for our outside passage to Miami to Marine Stadium. For now, we'll take a rest day after three days of moving.

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