Cruising Tips

Friday, January 21, 2022

Ft Lauderdale at Bahia Mar - at a dock


I tell myself - people want to see what the docks look like (floating, condition, fixed, etc.) 
So I usually include a photo of Fleetwing - but the real reason is just I like looking at my boat. 

Today was the day to check all the boxes: laundry, ice, minor provisioning, take on water, pump out the dink (boy did it rain last night!). We already took on fuel and had a pump out so now we're all set for our run down the Keys. The weather has warmed up nicely, in the high 70s everyday and the nights don't go below 60, perfect. 

The beach is deserted. On spring break - you can't see the sand.

The we took a walk along the beach this afternoon and it looked strange so deserted. There was full sun and it was warm but no crowds, at least not yet. The stores were all open and full of people but not enough people apparently to fill the beaches. In the CVS store, they only had self-checkout. I don't know if that was a response to covid or a problem getting help but it worked fine. 

The forecast for Saturday morning is flat water and virtually no wind, just right for a calm ride down the coast to Marine Stadium. As soon as we get a weather window, we're off to Marathon for a day or so if we can get a dock and then on to Key West. Great to be south!

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